Khanacross Round One

Round one of the Legana Tyres and More Khanacross Series calendared for the 16th Feb, unfortunately is going to change location from our usual tracks at Powranna to Symmons Plains Raceway. 

All other times, classes and requirement are as per the current Supp Regs. Also, you ARE still OK to run on rally tyres and of course the usual radial classes as well.

It is also worth reading the 2019 MSCT KhanaX series regs as you will notice the committee has decided to even up the outright playing field for 2019 There is now OUTRIGHT 2WD and OUTRIGHT 4WD (including 2nd and 3rd) and each score points equally. This means a 2WD car has an equal opportunity to win the overall MSCT Club Khanacross series as a 4WD. Basically, boys and girls, bring out ya 2WD's and have a crack for outright supremacy๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ†๐Ÿฅ‡

Please share this post around so we can pick up all our competitors!