Get your tickets to the 2025 Awards Presentations and Dinner

The Motorsport Club of Tasmania committee would like to invite members, family and friends to attend the annual awards presentation for the 2024 calendar year. The presentations will be held at the Deloraine Football Club on Saturday 18 January commencing at 6:30 pm.

Tickets tickets $40 adults & $25 for 12 and under. Nibbles on arrival at the venue, followed by a buffet dinner and dessert until 11.30pm  Drinks will be available for purchase throughout the evening.

Dress - Smart casual.
RSVP - By Tuesday 14 January. 
Caravan and camper free parking 200m from the venue. No amenities.

For assistance or further information, please email:

Social Drive

Prior to the Awards Dinner, members and friends are welcome to join us for a social drive through the beautiful hinterlands of Deloraine. Departing from the overflow carpark at ETC at Elizabeth Town at 3.30pm, we'll do a loop out to Sheffield and around Mount Roland before heading into Deloraine on sealed roads (so you can bring the good car out).

MSCT Khanacross Series - Round 6

Join us at the last round of the Motor Sports Club of Tasmania Khanacross Series and our only twilight event for the year. Entries close at midnight on Tuesday 3 December, and open on Thursday 7 November.

To enter:

1) Complete your online entry at Motorsport Australia Event Entry -

2) Email with your completed Scrutiny Statement of Vehicle Compliance form along with proof of payment of your entry fee.

There is a limit of 60 entries - these will be allocated first in first served. Please familiarise yourself with the event Supplementary Regulations available at PLEASE NOTE, the day will kick off with drivers briefing at 10.45am and will run through to 8.00pm.

There will be a canteen at the event.

Volunteer to help at the MSCT Australian Khanacross Championship

The Club is seeking helpers to assist at the MSCT Australian Khanacross Championship which will be held at Symmons Plains Raceway on Saturday 2 and Sunday 3 November.

Volunteer now by completing this form -

Whether you're a newcomer or experienced official - all levels are welcome. And don't worry if you are only available for part of the weekend, select the option on the form that best suits your availability.

Entries now open for 2024 Motorsport Australia Khanacross Championship at Symmon Plains Raceway

Join us at the 2024 Motorsport Australia Khanacross Championship hosted by the Motorsports Club of Tasmania. The Event will be conducted as a National Level Khanacross held over two days on both sealed and unsealed surfaces.

To enter:

1) Complete your online entry at Motorsport Australia Event Entry -

2) Email with your completed Scrutiny Statement of Vehicle Compliance form along with proof of payment of your entry fee.

Entries close 10PM Friday 25 October. There is a limit of 80 entries - these will be allocated first in first served. Please familiarise yourself with the event Supplementary Regulations available at

Camping available and there will be a canteen at the event where you will be able to purchase a BBQ lunch, snacks, and drinks.

DriftKhana Fun and Come & Try Day

Join us for a fun day on the pad at Symmons Plains Raceway.

To enter:
1) Complete your online entry at Motorsport Australia Event Entry -
2) Email with your completed Scrutiny Statement of Vehicle Compliance form along with proof of payment of your entry fee.

Entries close midnight Tuesday 8 October. There is a limit of 50 entries - these will be allocated first in first served.
There will be a canteen at the event where you will be able to purchase a BBQ lunch, snacks, and drinks.

This event will also include a NON-competitive “Come and Try” component for potential competitors. The entry fee will be the same a listed above but will include a Single Day membership to the Motor Sports Club of Tasmania and a day Introductory Single Day license to Motorsport Australia so you can participate in this event.

Further details in the event Supplementary Regulations available at