Results now available for Motorkhana Round 4
/Check the results from Saturday (27th July) Motorkhana now.
Check the results from Saturday (27th July) Motorkhana now.
Motor Sports Club of Tasmania is a car club based in Launceston providing grassroots motorsports in motorkhana, khanacross and gymkhana as well as rallying.
Motorkhana Series
Damien Midgley - 1st
Craig Hardstaff - 2nd
Mannix Conroy - 3rd
Adine Whitcome - 1st
Jo Woolley - 2nd
Laura Hayes - 3rd
Maklyn Midgley - 1st
Jonathon Marshall - 2nd
Blake Grundy - 3rd
Khanacross Series
Lyndon Kettle - 1st
Mark Sutcliffe - 2nd
Matt Von Bertouch - 3rd
AWD Outright
Lyndon Kettle - 1st
Matt Von Bertouch - 2nd
Craig Hardstaff - 3rd
Outright 2WD
Mark Sutcliffe - 1st
Jack Sutcliffe - 2nd
Andrew Madziara - 3rd
Junior AWD
Makkai Kettle - 1st
Maklyn MIdgley - 2nd
James Gaunt - 3rd
Junior 2WD
Lucas Marshall - 1st
Chad Edwards - 2nd
Jonathan Marshall - 3rd
Ladies AWD
Jenna Brozek - 1st
Jo Woolley - 2nd
Jazmin Szmekura - 3rd
Ladies 2WD
Belinda Brock - 1st
Adine Whitcombe - 2nd
Laura Hayes - 3rd
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